Does God Forgive Abortion? | Abortion Regret, Post Abortion, Biblical Healing, Pregnancy Loss, Abortion Bible Verses
*The Go-To Podcast For Women Seeking Redemption From A Past Abortion* Top 2% Podcast Are you struggling with the pain of a past abortion, and feeling isolated and alone? Do you struggle with depression and mental health issues, desperate to feel whole again but therapy isn’t helping? Do you feel violated, exposed, and raw when you remember your abortion experience? Does the thought of others finding out your deepest, darkest secret absolutely terrify you? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then you are in the right place.This podcast will help you find wholeness, peace, and forgiveness in Christ, will guide you to feeling safe at church and in your community, and will equip you to help other women that are struggling with the same pain that you feel. Hey, I’m Brittany, a wife, work from home mom, and daughter of a king, and you wouldn’t know it just by looking at me, but I too walked through the doors of an abortion facility and ended the life of my unborn child. For over 10 years I tried to hide the pain I carried with me as a result of a choice I made when I was 17 years old. I ran from my faith, succumbed to self-destructive behaviors, and gave up the goals and dreams I no longer felt like I deserved. It wasn’t until God spoke to me through a worship song during one of the lowest points in my life that I realized that He truly had never left me and that he was calling me home. I opened up my Bible, studied his word, learned his true character, and partnered with him for eternity as he healed by heart and restored my brokenness. If you are ready to finally feel whole again, to find that peace and forgiveness you so desperately desire, and to stop feeling alone knowing there’s a community of women supporting you every step of the way, I am so happy you are here. Now, go pour yourself that cup of coffee and crack open your Bible because friend, it is time to receive the good, good news!
Friday Sep 29, 2023
Friday Sep 29, 2023
Unfortunately, we do not have control over our grief. When it comes to our past decision of abortion, this grief can hit us at any time. Often times, our grief is stronger at the due date of our child, or at the anniversary of our abortion. Sometimes, our forbidden grief is stronger during holidays and gatherings.
Regardless of when our grief hits, God desires joy for us. Today, we are going to discuss how to find joy even in the midst of our seasons of grief.
I pray that this episode comforts you today!
Relevant past episodes:
42 | Stages of Grief Series Part 1: Forbidden Grief
44 | Stages of Grief Series Part 2: Denial
46 | Stages of Grief Series Part 3: Anger
48 | Stages of Grief Series Part 4: Bargaining
50 | Stages of Grief Series Part 5: Depression
51 | Stages of Grief Series Part 6: Acceptance
Want to stay connected?
Follow us on IG >>> @doesgodforgiveabortion or @brittanypoppe
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Resources for healing:
Forgiven and Set Free ND >>>
We Are Everywhere >>>
Sources Mentioned:
The Holy Bible New International Version
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Did you know that the actual term "abortion" is not in the Bible? It's true - the word itself is not found in the Bible. So, what does that even mean? What are we supposed to do with that? How do we know when life begins and how do we know if God forgives us for making that choice?
That is what we are going to talk about today. You may want your Bibles for this one! ;)
Want to stay connected?
Follow us on IG >>> @doesgodforgiveabortion or @brittanypoppe
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Resources for healing:
Forgiven and Set Free ND >>>
We Are Everywhere >>>
Sources Mentioned:
The Holy Bible New International Version
Abortion in the Bible
What Does the Bible Say About Abortion?
Scriptures Advocating for the Pre-Born
Is the Bible Really Pro-Life?
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Have you ever sat and thought about the countless other people that were involved in your abortion experience? Has it ever occurred to you that there are others out there living with shame and guilt because they helped you make this decision? Do you have feelings of resentment and anger towards these people?
While we are responsible for our choice to have an abortion(s), there are other people involved in our decision and we may feel anger and hurt towards them. However, the Bible calls us to forgive. We must forgive as God forgave us. But what does that mean, and how can we do that? Listen to today's episode to hear a great story about forgiveness and some tactical ways that you too can forgive others that helped with your abortion experience.
Want to stay connected?
Follow us on IG >>> @doesgodforgiveabortion or @brittanypoppe
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Sources Mentioned:
The Holy Bible New International Version
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Society tells you it doesn't happen. Women don't experience any negative affects after abortion. They are physically and emotionally just fine and can have a real life with a real future.
They are lying. Abortion truly does hurt women, both physically and mentally. The mental health problems that women suffer with after abortion are real, and they have a name: Post Abortion Syndrome. Today, we're talking about 3 of these characteristics/ways that abortion hurts your mental health, and what to do about it.
***If you are struggling with thoughts of suicidal ideation, please call the National Suicide and Crisis Hotline: dial 988
Want to stay connected?
Follow us on IG >>> @doesgodforgiveabortion or @brittanypoppe
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Sources Used:
American Association of Pro-Life OBGYNs
Lifeway Research
Heartbeat International
National 40 Days for Life
Need Support After Abortion? Resources:
Forgiven and Set Free ND
We Are Everywhere
Support After Abortion
An Even Place
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
SURPRISE!!! The podcast has a NEW NAME! I've had it on my heart for a few months now to change the title, and recently I received a download directly from God prompting me to dig deeper and truly go all in with this ministry. "Does God Forgive Abortion" is where He led me and is where we are now going!
In this episode, I go into a little bit deeper detail as to why we changed the name! We do have some exciting things up our sleeve for the next few months, so make sure you subscribe and listen to the show so that you can be a part of it too.
Want to stay connected?
Follow us on IG >>> @doesgodforgiveabortion or @brittanypoppe
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Follow our TikTok >>> @doesgodforgiveabortion
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Sources mentioned:
Stefanie Gass Podcast and School
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
This topic has been heavy on my heart lately. Friend, I totally know what it is like to feel unworthy and like you don't belong at church. You're worried that if someone finds out about your secret, that you will no longer be welcome there. Your pastor never mentions anything about how women who have had abortions can be forgiven. You sit in the pew each Sunday, hoping that God sees you but feeling the entire time like you should run.
I have news for you. YOU BELONG. You belong at church just as much as anyone else, just as much as people who have not participated in abortions. Jesus Christ gave his life so that you could be forgiven for your sin.
Want to know the #1 reason why you should be afraid to go to church? Pop in your ear buds and grab your coffee, because today's episode is going to be good!
The Holy Bible, New International Version
Want to connect with me outside of the show?!
Instagram: @goodgoodnewspod or @brittanypoppe
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Did you know that negative thoughts can change your brain chemistry? With the weight of everything going on in the world, it's no wonder many of us are struggling with our mental health right now!
I've been feeling God calling me to take a break from social media for some time and His voice has gotten loud enough that I have finally decided to listen. Hear exactly why I've decided to dedicate September to ditching socials and adding in more time for prayer!
I will not be taking a break from the podcast, so I'll still be in your ear buds every Wednesday!
Sources in this episode:
True North Church Sermon 8/27
Connect with me:
Instagram: @goodgoodnewspod or @brittanypoppe
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
This is an on the fly, no outline discussion! I pray that this episode will bless you today and I do not believe that you are here by accident. If you would like to chat, please feel free to send me a DM on either one of my Instagram accounts:
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
You know me! It's time for another book review! I wanted to ask permission directly from the author for this one because the author is a member of a family that is dear to my mom, and I just received the a-ok so here we are! Today, I'm going to tell you all about the book titled I Said Unto Thee Live by R. E. Oliver. This book was SO GOOD and I will have a link below for you to be able to purchase it. Without further ado, let's dive in!
I Said Unto Thee Live by R.E. Oliver
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Are you longing to strengthen your relationship with God, but don’t feel worthy?
You maybe don’t even know where to start, you’ve spent so much time thinking you don’t deserve to spend time with Him, you think only “good” people get to be close to God.
Friend, we ALL have the ability to grow closer to God. And you know what? He WANTS us to be close to Him! He doesn't care what we have done or where we are at, He just wants us to lay down those burdens and run to Him.
Today, I'm going to share with you ONE THING that you can do daily to improve your relationship with God. If we all do just this one thing daily, we’ll begin to feel our relationship with God grow.
Want to know what that ONE THING is? Grab your earbuds and get ready to dig in!